Ben David Construction with business address at 14622 Ventura Blvd, #320 Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles CA 91043 is owned and operated by Leor Portal, a Licensed Contractor. He has been working in the construction industry for 20 years, the last 13 years was focused on home renovations in Los Angeles, New York City and South Florida.

Our business is referral-based, so client satisfaction is the key to our operation. We believe that client communication is of utmost importance, thus one of the best parts of the business is our personal relationship we built working with our clients.

The company’s success is built one client at a time, which means, we always strive to ensure a successful and timely completion of each projects. We pride ourselves on making a stress-free and comfortable experience as possible, because we understand that renovating your home can be challenging.

Most of the trades (plumbing, electrical, etc.) where we can save you money and time, we take on directly.

We understand renovating your home can be challenging, so we pride ourselves on making this as stress-free and comfortable experience as possible.

Ben David’s success is built one client at a time, which means we always ensure a successful and timely completion.